Tuesday, March 13, 2007

We did start the fire…

We did start the fire…

This is just a beginning. Everything starts small. Even the giant sequoia.

I’d say this is a log on how we went about constructing this department. Just to remind ourselves the possibilities that keeps shining through.

June 2006 – Dr Roopesh VR and I get appointed as Asst Profs in Neurosurgery. We are however under administrative control of Dept of Surgery since Aps cannot be given administrative control of a dept.

June 2006 – first neurosurgery – L4-5 disc prolapse with cauda equine syndrome. Many thanks to the director Prof KSVK Subbarao , Prof AK Das [MS], Prof Karoon Agarwal [plastic surgery hod] , Prof Jagdish [Hod Surgery] for their support.

July 2006 – 2 beds in CTVS ICU and two more in ward 44.

OT days are Fridays and alternate Tuesdays. That’s too few. Buts that’s life!

OP days - Mondays and Wednesdays [10 am , 83 A, 2nd floor]

Feb 2007 after months and months of toiling on “specifications” on excel files, the first instruments have landed. Our tenure almost got over before that happened! [Just as Dr Ananthakrishnan had warned]

March 2007 – Surgical diathermy, instruments, Leyla retractor system, pneumatic drill are in the purchase pipeline. [a very long one that ]

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